So, lately (though we've had our fun) we have also been hard at work preparing for the arrival of the Abriendo Horizontes students...the Panamanian indigenous students who are going to Missouri for pre-college training under the funding of the US Dept. of State. We will be meeting with them on Monday (tomorrow) and Tuesday and giving workshops on the English language and American culture. We created a mock TOEFL exam having to do with the area that they're staying in to see where their English is at...and also gathering ideas about what to teach them about our awfully confusing country.
In addition to this welcome, we experienced another welcome....UD students on their study abroad to Panama!! They arrived yesterday and Mon, Rina, Suz, and I made a huge sign with balloons and brought a cooler full of refreshments. When they arrived on their bus we greeted them with loud shouts and enthusiastic hand waves and "BIENVENIDOS A PANAMA's".....I think we sufficiently frightened them. The majority of the students were too dead to know what was going on and when Suz ran up to a girl to hug her and welcome her, the girl squinted her eyes and with the voice of an abandoned baby said "... who are you?". I guess it's the thought that counts.
I'm sure we'll meet again though, and soon be laughing about that time that they first arrived to Panama and were greeted by a bunch of raving lunatics decked out in blue and gold attire, that happened to be us.

Hasta pronto ninos
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